Online Business Myth 1 "This business is so easy ANYONE can do it…"

And so to “Online Business Myth 1”.

Sorry to burst your bubble so early in the piece, but such a business simply does not exist.

If you have been involved in the home business industry in an MLM or Network Marketing before, no doubt this was almost the first thing your ‘sponsor to be’ said to you. By the way, usually, this person is quite new to the industry themselves (they tend not to hang around too long before they discover that they too have been misled, or they have maxed out their credit card – whichever comes first).

This is how it all begins. You will be shown the product range. You will be told that the products are “revolutionary”, “life-changing” and “so powerful that everyone will be knocking down your door to get their hands on them”. You will be told that even with absolutely no previous experience of any type in business it is possible for virtually anyone to build a residual income by “sharing” these products with anyone and everyone you come into daily contact with. But I’m getting ahead of myself here, more of MLM style “marketing strategies” in Online Business Myth #2. Read more (more…)

How to Have A Positive Focus While Working From Home

This is a great post from my favourite marketer Perry Marshall…

My morning commute – from bed to library, where I write is about 18 feet. Beats 18 miles, believe me. But there is one disadvantage (isn’t there always a potential disadvantage with everything?):

I can roll out of bed at 7 or 7:30, throw myself into my work and not even look up until 10 or 11 o’clock. So much to do, so much to do…. like the Dunkin’ Donuts guy says, “Time to make the donuts.”

It’s REAL easy to not stop and center myself first.

I’m in Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach program and the #1 thing they teach in Coach is: “Positive Focus.” Namely, that you start every interaction, every meeting, and every day with this question: (more…)

For Excellence, Against Mediocrity in 2020!!!

Internet marketing can be a lonely experience. I find I often need some encouragement. I found it today from Perry Marshall. Here it is:


We are FOR individualism, accomplishment, and excellence.

We are AGAINST the mediocrity, self-pity, condemnation and discouragement of the news media and of “normal” people sleepwalking through life.

We are FOR alchemy. We believe that there is everywhere lead waiting to be transformed into gold. Opportunity hides literally under every rock and shade tree.

We are AGAINST scarcity that says that everything you receive was forcibly taken from somebody else. Entrepreneurship is about making new pies, not dividing up old ones.

We are FOR you, regardless of mistakes you’ve made. Whatever stupidity spasms you’ve had in the past don’t matter. If you owe $100,000 and you’re scraping change out of your car seats for lunch today…. if every time you pick up the kids at your ex’s apartment you’re accused of being a devil…. we are still FOR you.

We are AGAINST complainers, the fault-finders and critics. It’s easy to criticize. It’s hard to take action. But in the end, only action-takers make history. Read more (more…)